Regulated Information

This page contains current regulatory filings for Linde plc, historical filings for Praxair, Inc. and Linde AG, and information concerning Linde plc shareholder voting rights notifications.

Filings for Linde plc, Praxair, Inc. and Linde AG

Voting Rights

Total Number of Linde plc Voting Rights

Shareholders of Linde plc should have regard to the relevant outstanding share capital (as defined in the Irish Companies Act 2014, as amended (the "Act")) of Linde plc to determine if they are required to report their Linde plc share ownership, or a change in that ownership, including where ownership changes (i) from below the 3% threshold; or (ii) from above to below the 3% threshold; or (iii) where 3% is exceeded both before and after the transaction where the percentage ownership changes by a whole number (rounding down any fractions of percentages).  Please refer to the Act for further details of the obligations.

For reference, Linde plc advises that, as at June 30, 2024, Linde plc's relevant outstanding share capital (as defined in the Act) was 477,502,737 ordinary shares of nominal value €0.001 each.

Voting rights notifications should be sent to Please submit your notification letter as a PDF File.

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