Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

GHG Emissions Recalculation Policy

Guidelines for Base Year Adjustments

Linde has used 2018 as the base year for our greenhouse gas (GHG) emission calculations related to SD2028 targets and 2021 as the base year for our greenhouse gas (GHG) emission calculations related to the 2035 target and 2050 climate neutrality ambition. GHG emissions for scope 1 and 2 are per the audited values, as published in its 2021 SD Report, and this inventory is annually presented in each SD Report. In order to accurately track progress towards our GHG intensity targets, we will adjust our base year emissions inventory to account for significant changes, described below, if the changes drive an increase/decrease in emissions of greater than 5%, in accordance with the GHG Protocol guidance Tracking Emissions Over Time.  We may also choose to recalculate our baseline for changes less than 5%, especially when structural changes occur.

Structural Changes

Structural changes that significantly impact our base year GHG emissions and may trigger the adjustment of the baseline include acquisitions, divestitures or mergers. When significant structural changes occur in the middle of a year, the current and baseline year will be recalculated for the entire year. In the event of an acquisition, in order to ensure that full and accurate data are available, recalculation may be carried out up to one year after the structural change has occurred.

Calculation Methodology Changes

Methodology changes that significantly impact our base year GHG emissions and may trigger the adjustment of the baseline include updated emission factors, improved data access or updated calculation methods or protocols.

Data Errors or Other Changes

We will recalculate our emissions in the event of discovery of a significant error, or a number of cumulative errors that together are significant. Significant change in our organizational or operations boundaries may likewise result in the adjustment of the baseline.


Baseline adjustments will occur at the end of each fiscal year if we identify any changes described above that have occurred in the reporting period which may require us to recalculate our base year. We publicly restate our baseline when we report the latest carbon footprint, typically the next annual sustainability report, which covers the previous financial year. on specific collaborations is included in the annual community engagement brochure and annual sustainable development report.